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Lord Nelson's Nature Store and Gallery
Bronze Figures
by Wayne Hyde

Wayne Hyde was born and raised in the Allegheny Mountains near Bedford, Pennsylvania. Wayne developed an avid interst in observing nature at a young age and those early experiences in the outdoors sparked his passion for wildlife and his artwork reflects the beauty and grace of creatures in the wild. Through his natural born talent, Wayne has created beautiful sculptures of deer, elk, turkey, bear, and other North American wildlife.

More recently, Wayne has created figurative and historical themed bronzes. He has been commissioned numerous times for larger than life size monuments for towns in Pennsylvania, Tennessee, New Jersey, Missouri, Oregon and others. Subjects include pieces depicting the colonial era, the American Civil War period, World War II, Vietnam War memorials, and more. Here are a few "gallery" size pieces for your review. Enjoy!


The Final Summation
War Club
Silent Steps
Eyes of the Forest
They Stood Tall
The Shod Track
My Rifle, My Life
Riding the Warning
A Hero's Prayer
The Hunter's Wrath


©2018 Lord Nelson's Gallery ~ 1-800-664-9797
27 Chambersburg St.
Gettysburg, PA 17325
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